Covid Friendly Cleaning

With the number of Covid cases on the rise around Perth and surrounding suburbs, I thought I’d provide you with confidence in the way that we look after the clients and the gym during this time.
Although we have sanitisation stations for the clients to use in the gym, sometimes the equipment might just need that extra clean.
My staff and I, although not fans of cleaning, are really putting in a big effort every day to ensure that the gym is clean and tidy. We want to ensure that you feel safe and can workout in a clean environment. Although we are not there 24/7 we are doing our very best when were are present.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) give clear guidelines on how to keep the gym clean and keeping the gym spotless and germ-free is now more crucial than ever.
Research by Calesco and Both (2019) found that gym cleanliness is one to the most powerful tools to boost client’s satisfaction, and retaining members. Those who perceive the gym to be unclean are significantly less likely to recommend to gym to anyone else.
We really do appreciate all of the effort that our clients are putting in too to keep the equipment clean.
Please continue to use the sanitation products available and please let us know immediately if you see an issue around the gym.
Let’s do this together to keep everyone safe and well.


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Rejuven8 HFC is a 24/7 gym. Workout on your own or have a program created specifically for your needs by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) accredited exercise science staff.

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Eccentric vs Concentric Exercise

Hi all, I absolutely love being part of an industry that is always researching and finding ways to deliver exercise more efficiently and effectively.
A research paper, published Feb 2022, was written by one of my friends and colleagues at ECU.
The researchers have found information that could prove important for preventing muscle wastage in the elderly.
They found that an eccentric contraction of the muscle had the biggest impact upon improving muscle strength.
So what’s an eccentric contraction I hear you ask?  Well think of a bicep curl. When you lift the weight towards you that’s a concentric contraction . As you lower the weight, that is the eccentric contraction of the muscle.
Many people think you have to spend a lot of time exercising, but it’s not the case when it comes to resistance training. Short, good quality exercise can still be good for your body and every muscle contraction counts.


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Rejuven8 HFC is a 24/7 gym. Workout on your own or have a program created specifically for your needs by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) accredited exercise science staff.

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Circuit Training for Mental Health

A recent research paper written in the Journal of Affective Disorders showed positive findings with individuals doing circuit training.  The training is done exactly how we like to do it, with a warm up, 12 stations of both cardio and strength exercises, followed by a cool down and stretch.
The positive findings pertain to an improvement in anxiety symptoms.  I believe that in these times anxiety can be a common problem. Therefore, exercising can be so beneficial.  Circuit training, mixing both strength and cardio exercises, help ease feelings of anxiety by decreasing muscle tension and boosting endorphins.


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Rejuven8 HFC is a 24/7 gym. Workout on your own or have a program created specifically for your needs by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) accredited exercise science staff.

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